Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Last Blog

Sfarsit -El fin -Die Ende! The end. My last blog EVER! Seeing that I've already written my last blog for capstone. I was pondering if I liked blogging, if maybe I would keep up the habit. No, I answered, for now I do not. Besides, what would I talk about without Sexson to influence me. Maggie might be right, I just might agree with everything Sexson says. Probably because Sexson hasn't always been a Professor. Oh, no. Before he started teaching at MSU he was known by many other names: Old Man Winter, Tom Bombadil, Badger, Prospero, Yoda, Christopher Robins, Velma (from Scoobydoo), Papa Smurf, The Volturi, Teiresias, Shaman Sexson, Julius Cesear, Homer, The Mad Hatter, Mariah Carey, and a thousand more. Sexson, or rather, the teacher, plays an important role in the education of English Literature students. Professors act as the bird, transporting us to another thought. One we haven't reached, yet, but just need that extra shove. One of the best decisions I've ever made was to drink the cool-aid. For one, it's called cool-aid. It aids in making the drinker cool. I think that having a teacher like Dr. Sexson, or Amy Thomas (who I talked about in my capstone blog), is a gift we should be thankful for. Students need teachers that push the limits. I don't want to learn about spelling or grammer, I should know things like that already, I want to expand my thoughts, I want to at least try and become original. I think that every student who has spent some time in school realizes that it's rare to have a teacher who becomes an inspiration. Also, there are the students in the class. I found that having a teacher like Dr. Sexson is one thing, but it's entirely another when you have classmates that are enlightening. When having writer's block it was very helpful to have the fellow bloggers to aid as my guide. Since this is my last blog, maybe ever, but probably not. I want to say thank you to Dr. Sexson. Thanks for making me a better student. Thanks for making me excited about reading, but most importantly about writing. And thanks for making me think outside the box. In order to be successful with your writing you need to have differant thoughts. Everyone can write the obvious, Sexson helps us to write the creative. Here are my last words....wait for it....End here. Us then. Finn, again?

I added a question mark, because we never know. (Ok I guess these were my last words).

Maybe, I should end with something better...."Christopher Columbus, as everyone knows, is honored by posterity because he was the last to discover America." - James Joyce

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