Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Rap

Let's just say that my bee-bop skills are off the hook! Here's the rap I did today.
I heard it through the grapevine,
That this presentation of mine,
Is on the divine,

Who are we, what are you,
If we aren’t all apart of this elite crew,
We live in the realm of myth and dream,
Where things aren’t always what they seem,

It’s Wallace Stevens with the solution,
One Sunday Morning a woman came to a conclusion,
Divinity must live within ourselves,
Passions of rain, or moods, in falling snow,
It’s all our one man show,

It was T.S. Eliot who once said,
That all things must be re-read,
We only know things if we revisit,
Because only then can we…miss it,

Divinity isn’t just in you and me,
It’s in our lives don’t you see,
Every character that we’ve read,
Always comes out….ahead,

There’s Prospero, the man behind the curtain,
What makes him so important?
Is it the books that he reads,
Or the magic, that’s the key,
Either way, he makes me believe,

Now, while I rome,
Let’s talk of Santiago finding his home,
Turning himself into the wind,
What kind of drug dealer did he befriend?

Speaking of drugs there is Neo,
Whoa, the matrix must be full of good blow,
Let’s continue with our girl Fatima,
She was Santiago’s redeemer,

On to Haroun and his stories,
Having one-thousand and one, he has no worries,
With his boy Butt and the Water Genie,
These three can conquer those eggheads, believe me,

Herman, or should we call him Socrates,
Wasn’t a man that was easy to please,
Dead or alive the man was confused,
In two seconds he became our muse,
As a writer, philosopher and Latin teacher,
He showed us how to live in the feature,
Let’s not forget our man Finn,
He’ll keep reappearing again and again,
A way a lone a last a loved along the
How many times do we have to ponder,

Finn may have fallen off the ladder,
But the people at his wake sure knew how to chatter,
He beat the odds and cheated death,
Less a man, and more the Egyptian god Seth,

All these characters had moments of the divine,
So let’s take it back to Stevens in rewind,
Stevens says that divinity isn’t only in the chapel,
But in all living things, even in Adam’s apple,

Even with all these characters, we here put them to shame,
Because they’re fictional and we remain,
With moments of divinity,
Not just found in the trinity,

That’s the end and I’m ready to split,
If I had a mic, I’d drop it.

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